"Theatre and its games are a matter of experience, oral and physical transmission and time. Essential for the initiation (...) only the body involved in the work can truly grasp the accuracy of a movement, the evidence of a space (...) the characters are constantly subjected to the emergence of life. " Jacques Lecoq, the Poetic Body
Dal 23 Ottobre a Palermo parte l'avventura O.S.A. Officina Sperimentale dell'Attore, diretta da Cristina Coltelli, coadiuvata da insegnanti di altre discipline complementari tra cui fonetica, danza e canto. Una palestra creativa vera. Vuoi davvero fare Teatro a un altro livello? Allora che aspetti, O.S.A anche tu!
Scarica il pdf informativo con tutte le info didattiche cliccando QUI
Per maggiori info e iscrizioni ricolgiti ai contatti della scuola
From the 23rd of October we're proud to announce the beginning of the Actors Training Centre O.S.A (Officina Sperimentale dell'Attore) directed by Cristina Coltelli inside the school of dance and music of Tavola Tonda in Palermo. A real place for a complete actor training.
Please contact for the english version of the program or click here:
With Masquerade Studio-Berlin/Copenhagen
International Puppetts Museum A. Pasqualino
La Vicaria di Emma Dante
Enrico Bonavera
Topeng Balinese e Commedia dell'Arte, in codocenza con Carmencita Palermo, Teatro Garibaldi, Palermo
Workshops are intended as a rigourous path on one side and as a mutable experience on the other. Click the links below to learn more.
“For me it has been like being into another world. I am so gratefull for such an intense experience, full of inspirations, emotions, and images. I will keep what I've learnt as a treasure ”
Isabella Shilke - Former Student
"I saw what I'd like to see into the future of theatre: hard work, concerning, joy, curiosity. Discipline and kindness"
Dario Frasca - Former Auditor